How to get started
Depending on whether you want to work on a personalized goal or a more general goal there’s a few options. You can choose one of the packages in my webshop, if you are interested in working on the subjects I provide there.
If you want a personalized/tailored mental-training program and an ambitious collaboration, you can book me for neuro-coaching sessions that will give me specific insights on what you want and need, and then I will provide you with mental training programs that matches your specific goals.
If you wanna know more, feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.
What is mental training and how does it work?
An acknowledged research-based form of training to help you fulfill your mind’s greatest potential when it comes to performance and your everyday thoughts and patterns.
Words stimulates your subconscious through suggestions and when you are in a deeply relaxed state (alpha or theta state), your mind is receptive to these words and suggestions. The state your mind is in when you mental train, removes the critical filter and therefore you are more open to suggestions. This will create new neural patterns/tracks in your brain and replace the old ones to a better and more supportive way of thinking.
Who is mental training for?
This form of training has been used in elite sport for several years and has proved to be working time after time. The documented effect speaks for itself and there’s a reason it’s a must do if you want to perform on the highest level in sport.
However, mental training is NOT ONLY for athletes, but actually for anyone who is open for a changed life and mindset.
Mental training can be used for performance and for reaching a specific goal in all areas of your life, but also simply to optimize your mental health.
What do you do in a mental training?
You listen. You prioritize around 15 min to sit or lay down and close your eyes while the audio with music and speaking plays. This can be done through an audio file you receive and listen to by yourself, or a live mental training session with me.
How much should you prioritize mental training?
Some things will easily change, and others will demand you keep prioritizing mental training, this depends on whether your surroundings “trains” and maintains your old patterns you want to change. The more you prioritize it, the faster the change will happen and it’s only around 15 min per mental training. When you start a specific program, make sure you stay on it for several weeks – and then if you want to work on something else, you can start listening to another mental training file. The more you practice something, the better you are at it – and that goes for mental training in itself!
What side effects can mental training have?
Other than changing your mindset and better your mental health by prioritizing a break and yourself – there are no side effects. You can, however, start recognizing how your body is doing and that can sometimes be overwhelming if you are someone with a busy schedule and you never check in on yourself and how you are feeling. This might feel uncomfortable but it’s a step in the right direction when it comes to bettering your overall health and direction in life.
How do I do it correctly?
You prioritize it. It’s up to you whether you want to sit or lay down during mental training -same goes for open or closed eyes. However, it is important that your surroundings allow you to focus on listening and taking a break for around 15 minutes. I recommend closing your eyes and either sit or lay down at a comfortable and quiet place where you are not interrupted. Some people experiences falling asleep, but it’s still working because your brain is listening. If the mental training requires you to visualize something specific around a goal, it's optimal that you are not sleeping but are in a theta or alpha state.
If your thoughts are all over the place, that’s OK. The importance is to accept the state you’re in during the mental training. Nothing is wrong and as long as you prioritize listening to it, you are doing it right.
Why should you prioritize mental training in your life?
Because you take both your physical and mental health seriously. Especially today where stress and depression are a huge problem for our mental health in our society.
Also, if you are an ambitious person who wants to achieve goals in your private life or working life – mental training will indisputably support you in reaching this.
If you are a competitive athlete? Needless to say, prioritizing mental training is a no brainer for your performance and perseverance: read more under “For Athletes”.